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Source code
mixin template EnumUnion(T) if (is(T == struct) && T.tupleof.length > 0) { static assert( is(typeof(this) == struct) || is(typeof(this) == class), "Only `struct` and `class` types can mixin `EnumUnion`" ); alias __Types = typeof(T.tupleof); enum string[] __names = { string[] result; static foreach (alias name; T.tupleof) result ~= name.stringof; return result; }(); static foreach (name; __names) { static assert(name.length > 0, "Every option must have a non-empty name"); static assert(name.length == 1 || name[0 .. 2] != "__", "Option names cannot start with double underscore"); } import std.conv : __text = text; static if (__Types.length <= ubyte .max) alias __IndexBase = ubyte; else static if (__Types.length <= ushort.max) alias __IndexBase = ushort; else static if (__Types.length <= uint .max) alias __IndexBase = uint; else alias __IndexBase = ulong; mixin({ string result = "enum __Index : __IndexBase {"; static foreach (name; __names) { result ~= name; result ~= ","; } return result ~ "}"; }()); static foreach (name; __names) { mixin(iq{enum __$(name)_t : __Index { index = __Index.$(name) }}.__text); } private __Index __index; invariant(__index < __Types.length); union { static foreach (i, name; __names) { mixin(iq{ private __Types[i] __$(name); }.__text); } } static foreach (i, name; __names) { mixin(iq{ @trusted pure @nogc nothrow ref /* inout(__Types[i]) */ $(name)() inout @property { static immutable string errorMessage = i"EnumUnion: member `$(name)` (index $(i)) not active".__text; if (__index != __Index.$(name)) assert(0, errorMessage); return __$(name); } @trusted pure @nogc nothrow auto /* inout(__Types[i])* */ __as_$(name)() inout @property => __index == __Index.$(name) ? &__$(name) : null; @safe pure @nogc nothrow bool __is_$(name)() const @property => __index == __Index.$(name); @system pure @nogc nothrow ref /* inout(__Types[i]) */ __unsafe_$(name)() inout @property in (__index == __Index.$(name)) => __$(name); $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) @nogc { import core.lifetime : move; x = move(x); })) ? "@nogc" : "") $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) nothrow { import core.lifetime : move; x = move(x); })) ? "nothrow" : "") $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) pure { import core.lifetime : move; x = move(x); })) ? "pure" : "") void $(name)(__Types[i] value) @property @system { import core.lifetime : move; this.__index = __Index.$(name); auto self = (() @trusted => &this.__$(name))(); *self = move(value); } $(is(typeof((ref __Types[i] x) @nogc { x = x; })) ? "@nogc" : "") $(is(typeof((ref __Types[i] x) nothrow { x = x; })) ? "nothrow" : "") $(is(typeof((ref __Types[i] x) pure { x = x; })) ? "pure" : "") void $(name)(ref __Types[i] value) @property @system { this.__index = __Index.$(name); auto self = (() @trusted => &this.__$(name))(); *self = value; } }.__text); } static foreach (i, name; __names) { mixin(iq{ $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) @safe { import core.lifetime : move; __Types[i] y = move(x); })) ? "@safe" : "") $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) @nogc { import core.lifetime : move; __Types[i] y = move(x); })) ? "@nogc" : "") $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) nothrow { import core.lifetime : move; __Types[i] y = move(x); })) ? "nothrow" : "") $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) pure { import core.lifetime : move; __Types[i] y = move(x); })) ? "pure" : "") this(__Types[i] $(name), __$(name)_t = __$(name)_t.index) { import core.lifetime : move; this.__index = __Index.$(name); this.__$(name) = move($(name)); } $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) @safe { __Types[i] y = x; })) ? "@safe" : "") $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) @nogc { __Types[i] y = x; })) ? "@nogc" : "") $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) nothrow { __Types[i] y = x; })) ? "nothrow" : "") $(is(typeof((__Types[i] x) pure { __Types[i] y = x; })) ? "pure" : "") this(ref __Types[i] $(name), __$(name)_t = __$(name)_t.index) { this.__index = __Index.$(name); this.__$(name) = $(name); } }.__text); } static if (!is(typeof(this) == class) && !is(typeof(this) == interface)) void opAssign(ref typeof(this) rhs) { final switch (rhs.__index) { static foreach (i, name; __names) { case i: mixin(iq{$(name) = rhs.$(name);}.__text); return; } } } static if (!is(typeof(this) == class) && !is(typeof(this) == interface)) void opAssign(typeof(this) rhs) { import core.lifetime : move; final switch (rhs.__index) { static foreach (i, name; __names) { case i: if (__ctfe) mixin(iq{$(name) = rhs.$(name);}.__text); else mixin(iq{$(name) = move(rhs.$(name));}.__text); return; } } } private enum bool __anyDtor = { static foreach (alias T; __Types) { static if (!is(T == class) && __traits(hasMember, T, "__dtor")) { return true; } } return false; }(); private enum string __dtorAttribute(string attr) = { string result = attr; static foreach (i, alias T; __Types) { static if (!is(T == class) && __traits(hasMember, T, "__dtor")) { static if (!is(typeof(mixin(iq{(T x) $(attr) { x.__dtor; }}.__text)))) result = ""; } } return result; }(); static if (__anyDtor) { mixin(iq{ $(__dtorAttribute!"@safe") $(__dtorAttribute!"pure") $(__dtorAttribute!"nothrow") $(__dtorAttribute!"@nogc") $(__dtorAttribute!"scope") ~this() { dtors: switch (__index) { default: break dtors; static foreach (name; __names) { static if (!is(T == class) && __traits(hasMember, T, "__dtor")) { case mixin("__Index.", name): mixin("__", name, ".__dtor()"); break dtors; } } } } }.__text); alias __dtor_ = __dtor; } static foreach (alias dataMember; typeof(this).tupleof) { static assert(dataMember.stringof.length > 2 && dataMember.stringof[0 .. 2] == "__" || { foreach (name; __names) if (dataMember.stringof == name) return true; return false; }(), "you cannot declare custom data members"); } static assert(__traits(getOverloads, typeof(this), "__ctor").length == __Types.length * 2, "you cannot declare custom constructors" ); static foreach (i, alias ctor; __traits(getOverloads, typeof(this), "__ctor")) { static if ({ mixin(iq{ alias Expected = $(is(typeof(this) == class) || is(typeof(this) == interface) ? "" : "ref") typeof(this) function( $(i % 2 != 0 ? "ref" : "") __Types[i/2] $(__names[i/2]), __$(__names[i/2])_t = __$(__names[i/2])_t.index, ); }.__text); return !is(typeof(&ctor) : Expected); }()) { static assert(0, "you cannot declare custom constructors"); } } static assert(__anyDtor || !__traits(hasMember, typeof(this), "__dtor"), "you cannot declare a custom destructor" ); static assert(!__anyDtor || __traits(isSame, typeof(this).__dtor, __dtor_), "you cannot declare a custom destructor" ); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc EU.__Index index(EU)(scope ref const EU eu) @property => eu.__index; EU.__Index index(EU)(scope const EU eu) @property => eu.__index; private enum bool anyOptionAssignableFrom(EU, T) = { import std.conv : text; static foreach (name; EU.__names) {{ static if (__traits(compiles, (ref EU eu, T value) { mixin(iq{*&(eu.$(name)()) = value;}.text); })) { return true; } }} return false; }(); /// Assigns `value` to the currently active option of an enum union. /// It is an error if the active option does not support assignment from void assignActiveOption(EU, T)(ref EU eu, auto ref T value) if (anyOptionAssignableFrom!(EU, T)) { import std.conv : text; final switch (eu.__index) { static foreach (i, name; eu.__names) { case i: static if (__traits(compiles, { mixin(iq{*&(eu.$(name)()) = value;}.text); })) { mixin(iq{*&(eu.$(name)()) = value;}.text); return; } else { static immutable errorMessage = "Active option `" ~ name ~ "` of type `" ~ EU.__Types[i].stringof ~ "` cannot be assigned a value of type `" ~ T.stringof ~ "`"; assert(0, errorMessage); } } } } template matchOrdered(fs...) { auto ref matchOrdered(EU)(auto ref EU eu) if (fs.length == EU.__Types.length) { import std.traits, std.meta, std.conv; static if (__traits(isRef, eu)) alias valueOf = lvalueOf; else alias valueOf = rvalueOf; alias R = mixin({ string result = "CommonType!("; static foreach (i, name; EU.__names) { result ~= iq{typeof(fs[$(i)](valueOf!(EU.__Types[$(i)]))),}.text; } return result ~ ")"; }()); final switch (eu.__index) { static foreach (i, name; EU.__names) {{ static if (isFunction!(fs[i]) || is(typeof(fs[i]) == struct) || is(typeof(fs[i]) == union) || is(typeof(fs[i]) == class) || is(typeof(fs[i]) == interface)) { static assert(0, "function pointer or delegate required: " ~ "use " ~ name ~ " => " ~ __traits(identifier, fs[i]) ~ "(" ~ name ~ ") " ~ "or " ~ name ~ " => " ~ name ~ "." ~ __traits(identifier, fs[i]) ); } else static if ( (isFunctionPointer!( fs[i] ) || isDelegate!( fs[i] )) && is(typeof( fs[i] ) ps == __parameters) || (isFunctionPointer!(Instantiate!(fs[i], EU.__Types[i])) || isDelegate!(Instantiate!(fs[i], EU.__Types[i]))) && is(typeof(Instantiate!(fs[i], EU.__Types[i])) ps == __parameters)) { static if (!__traits(compiles, mixin(iq{(ps[0 .. 1]){}($(name): valueOf!(EU.__Types[i]))}.text) )) { static void fail(ps[0 .. 1]) { static assert(0, "name mismatch: enum union member name is `" ~ name ~"`, " ~ "but parameter name is `" ~ __traits(parameters)[0].stringof ~ "`" ); } } else { case i: static if (__traits(isRef, eu) || is(EU == class) || is(EU == interface)) { return cast(R) fs[i]( (function ref (ref EU eu) @trusted scope => mixin("eu.__", name))(eu) ); } else { import core.lifetime : move; return cast(R) fs[i](move( (function ref (ref EU eu) @trusted scope => mixin("eu.__", name))(eu) )); } } } else { static assert(0, "function pointer or delegate syntax required"); } }} } } } template matchDefault(fs...) if (fs.length > 0) { auto ref matchDefault(EU)(auto ref EU eu) if (fs.length - 1 <= EU.__Types.length) { import std.traits, std.meta, std.conv; static foreach (i, name; eu.__names) { static foreach (j, f; fs[0 .. $-1]) { static if (isFunction!f || is(typeof(f) == struct) || is(typeof(f) == union) || is(typeof(f) == class) || is(typeof(f) == interface)) { static assert(0, "function pointer or delegate required: " ~ "use " ~ name ~ " => " ~ __traits(identifier, f) ~ "(" ~ name ~ ") " ~ "or " ~ name ~ " => " ~ name ~ "." ~ __traits(identifier, f) ); } else static if (mixin(iq{ (isFunctionPointer! f || isDelegate! f ) && is(typeof(f ) ps$(i)_$(j) == __parameters) || (isFunctionPointer!(f!(EU.__Types[i])) || isDelegate!(f!(EU.__Types[i]))) && is(typeof(f!(EU.__Types[i])) ps$(i)_$(j) == __parameters) }.text)) { static if (__traits(compiles, mixin(iq{(ps$(i)_$(j)[0 .. 1]){}($(name): lvalueOf!(EU.__Types[i]))}.text) )) { static if (is(typeof(mixin(iq{f$(i)}.text)))) { static assert(0, i"double handler for option $(name)".text); } else { mixin(iq{alias f$(i) = f;}.text); } } else { // pragma(msg, mixin(iq{(ps$(i)_$(j)[0 .. 1])}.text), i" is a handler, but not the handler for $(name)".text); } } } static if (!is(typeof(mixin(iq{f$(i)}.text)))) { mixin(iq{alias f$(i) = fs[$ - 1];}.text); } } enum string orderedFsStr = { string result = "AliasSeq!("; foreach (i; 0 .. EU.__Types.length) { result ~= i"f$(i), ".text; } return result ~ ")"; }(); //pragma(msg, orderedFsStr); alias orderedFs = mixin(orderedFsStr); import core.lifetime : forward; return matchOrdered!orderedFs(forward!eu); } } template match(fs...) { auto ref match(EU)(auto ref EU eu) if (fs.length == EU.__Types.length) { static struct __X {} static noreturn f(T)(__X) { static assert(0); assert(0); }; import core.lifetime : forward; return matchDefault!(fs, f)(forward!eu); } } template matchOrderedDefault(fs...) if (fs.length > 0) { import core.lifetime : forward; import std.conv : text; alias matchers = fs[0 .. $ - 1]; auto matchOrderedDefault(EU)(auto ref EU eu) if (fs.length <= EU.__Types.length + 1) { enum string defaultMatchers = () { string result; foreach (name; EU.__names[matchers.length .. EU.__Types.length]) { result ~= iq{$(name) => fs[$ - 1]($(name)),}.text; } return result; }(); mixin(iq{ alias mo = matchOrdered!(matchers, $(defaultMatchers)); }.text); return mo!EU(forward!eu); } } final class Expr { struct Binary { Expr lhs, rhs; } private static struct Impl { int constant; string variable; Expr minus; Binary plus, times; } mixin EnumUnion!Impl; int eval(scope const int[string] context) const scope @safe pure nothrow /*@nogc*/ => this.matchOrdered!( (constant) => constant, (variable) => context[variable], (minus) => -minus.eval(context), (plus) => plus.lhs.eval(context) + plus.rhs.eval(context), (times) => times.lhs.eval(context) * times.rhs.eval(context), ); int eval2(scope const int[string] context) const scope @safe @nogc pure nothrow { // Compiler isn’t yet smart enough to figure out that handlers don’t escape. scope c = delegate(const int constant) @safe @nogc pure nothrow scope => constant; scope v = delegate(const string variable) @safe @nogc pure nothrow scope => context[variable]; scope m = delegate(const Expr minus) @safe @nogc pure nothrow scope => -minus.eval2(context); scope p = delegate(const Binary plus) @safe @nogc pure nothrow scope => plus.lhs.eval2(context) + plus.rhs.eval2(context); scope t = delegate(const Binary times) @safe @nogc pure nothrow scope => times.lhs.eval2(context) * times.rhs.eval2(context); return this.matchOrdered!(c, v, m, p, t); } void toString(Sink)(scope Sink sink, immutable uint precedence = 0) const scope { // final switch (__index) { import std.range.primitives : put; case __Index.constant: scope char[12] buf; int c = (() @trusted => __unsafe_constant())(); immutable bool negative = c < 0; if (negative) c = -c; size_t i = buf.length; foreach_reverse (ref ch; buf) { ch = '0' + c % 10; c /= 10; --i; if (c == 0) break; } if (negative && precedence >= 2) put(sink, "("); if (negative) put(sink, "\−"); put(sink, buf[i .. $]); if (negative && precedence >= 2) put(sink, ")"); return; case __Index.variable: sink.put((() @trusted => __unsafe_variable())()); return; case __Index.minus: if (precedence >= 1) put(sink, "("); put(sink, "\−"); const(Expr) minus = (() @trusted => __unsafe_minus())(); minus.toString(sink); if (precedence >= 1) put(sink, ")"); return; case if (precedence >= 2) put(sink, "("); const(Binary) plus = (() @trusted => __unsafe_plus())(); plus.lhs.toString(sink, 0); if (plus.rhs.index == __Index.minus) { put(sink, " \− "); plus.rhs.minus().toString(sink, 1); } else { put(sink, " + "); plus.rhs.toString(sink, 1); } if (precedence >= 2) put(sink, ")"); return; case __Index.times: const(Binary) times = (() @trusted => __unsafe_times())(); times.lhs.toString(sink, 2); put(sink, " * "); times.rhs.toString(sink, 2); return; } } override string toString() const scope @safe pure nothrow { import std.array : appender; auto result = appender!string(); toString(result); return result[]; } } void main() @safe { Expr expr = new Expr(plus: Expr.Binary( new Expr(times: Expr.Binary( new Expr(-2), new Expr(1) )), new Expr(minus: new Expr("x")) )); import std.stdio; writeln(expr, " = ", expr.eval(["x": 1])); }
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